Digital technologies (disruptive or not) are entering our lives at all levels: personal, professional, and societal. This march of technologies has started back in 20th century with introduction of personal computers, world wide web, and Social Media. And now an avalanche of disruptive technologies is coming to the market with increased speed and additional information: Big Data, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Bluetooth wearables, AI, IoT, digital reality, and much more. One might argue that this growing presence of technologies is important only for organizations and IT specialists and experts. Wrong! Think about the way our lives have changed in the past 10-15 years. We use digital technologies to manage our household (paying bills, shopping, organizing family schedules), to maintain our digitally connected home as energy-efficient and safe. We socialize on-line, we advance our education on-line, and we monitor our behavior, habits and personal health with mobile devices. The advantages brought to us by technologies are countless, but do we use them thoughtfully, if at all? For example, think about the aging population (silent generation and baby boomers) – are they even aware of what has been offered to them in terms of health monitoring and maintenance (telemedicine, wearables, etc.)? Probably not. Most likely they are in total denial and very offensive about digital disruption (‘we can do it without technology!’). Perhaps it is up to younger generations to introduce technologies to elderly people and to help them accept it as a reality of 21st  century and the consequence of  4th industrial revolution.  Don’t you think so? 

Categories: Blog, Disruption